Some Scary Statistics from Dr. Chris About Stress and Life Balance:   What to Do Now

Stress is a pervasive problem in the United States and around the world.  These are scary times only complicated by COVID-19 and social unrest. In the U.S., a 2012 study completed by the American Psychological Association revealed important data. 

For the “Stress in America” study, 2,020 adults from 18 to 67 years and older were surveyed. 

These following results are particularly worrisome. Lifestyle and behavior are the cause of many challenges to the strained health care system. Only 19% of Americans describe their health care as good quality. A mere 22% say that their heath care provider supports them in managing stress. 31% of patients with high stress never discuss stress management with the doctor. But,  73% said that managing their stress was important. Over the past five years, 60% of adults have tried to reduce stress.  But only 47% of those believe they have been successful.

The study identified the top sources of stress which include. Not enough money (69%) and Work issues (65%).  The economy (61%) and Family responsibilities (57%).  Relationships (56%) and Family health problems (52%).  Finally, Personal health concerns (51%).  Which of the above are affecting you the most?   

What to Do About Poor Life Balance for Success and Happiness

Have you ever had difficulty keeping a basic commitment to yourself? All people do at some time or another. We can often feel "stuck."

·      You have the best intentions but you avoid, put off, or procrastinate.  

Life in Balance for Success

Life in Balance for Success

·      Why don't we do the things we know we need to do to be happier?

·      Why do we fear success?  

·      We know we should improve our health or career. But we put it off.  

·      Let's say you keep putting off that new fitness program. 

·      You can even imagine what it might mean to you. You want a firmer, healthier, and more energetic body. 

·      You want greater confidence and better career opportunities. Yet, you don't do what you know you need to do. What prevents you from taking those first steps?

My observation as a clinical and neuropsychologist is that our thoughts tend to see the obstacles first. The barriers between where we are now and the person we desire to become.

Just as fast as you conceive of achieving your new you, your brain begins to spout out every reason you can't attain that goal. Thus, before we can initiate any action, we literally stop or freeze in our tracks.

Your thoughts begin to fill with all the reasons that could keep you from achieving your new discovered goal. You may feel defeated before you even begin.

What if we push through the barriers?  What if we defeated this underlying anxious belief that causes the fear, procrastination and avoidance behaviors?

Ponder it for a moment. Think about whatever deterred you from attempting to push forward suddenly disappeared. You'd have no anxiety to stop you. You just push on forward, right?

Let’s crush those obstacles and convert them into methods for achieving success. Would you think of starting and sticking to your new behavior pattern then?

The truth is, you can choose to transform the barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals and desires.   

Let me explain a Leap Forward Method.

How can we break through our barriers, smash those fears, and transform those obstacles into strategies for achieving our personal goals? 

It's really simple--allow me to introduce you to the Leap Forward Method

I've taken the eight most feared barriers that often stand in the way of your success.  Here is a success strategy to attack them. 

You will be able to achieve your personal life balance and success goals.

Let's get started!

Obstacle #1: There is Not Enough Time.

People who achieve extraordinary levels of success have days just like yours. All of us have obligations to family, friends, and career. 

We are all confined to the same 24 hours each day. Why is it that some people find time to accomplish their personal goals and others do not?

How do they do it? They plan, plan, and plan some more. Planning your days ahead is the key to accomplishing more. You can plan the week and roughly plan the month and beyond as well.

Make a list of your daily things To Do. Prioritize Import, Not important, Urgent and Not Urgent. I make a grid.

Avoid distractions and stay on point. Monitor yourself throughout the day and be flexible. But stay focused on the Urgent and Important Goals and Projects first.

Success Strategy #1: Plan Into the Future

Ben Franklin said:  "If you fail to plan you are planning to fail."

It is easy to create the time you need by planning ahead as noted above. Do it the night before and you will be ready to roll in the morning.

Obstacle #2: What To Do?

Don't know what seminars to do to help you get the most out of your career? Not sure what strategies to use to help you put on muscle and eliminate fat? And supplements, well, there is always something new that’s being sold!

It is all understandable. There are just so many techniques.  Who can you trust?

It is puzzling. Stop right now.

Model the success of others. There are many successful people who can provide you a path to success. But you need to stick to a plan

Success leaves clues. 

Pay close attention and pick up those clues. Find people, whether in person or in a video who you can model to your own success. It's really as easy as that.

Success Strategy #2: Study a Successful Process and Follow It.

Similar to above, find someone who has achieved the great results you desire.

Learn from "winning" actions of others. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It’s out there already. Your job is to find it and stick to it.

If you follow a proven approach to education, healthy relationships, wellness, nutrition, and exercise you will succeed.

Obstacle #3: I am Too Tired 

Are you getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night?   You need to wake up every morning feeling energized.     

If you rise feeling as tired as the night before it is because your REM sleep time is too much.  Your taking your stress into the bedroom with you.

Fearing the day ahead will be a barrier to your success.

Having a plan for the day which includes exercise is critical to getting back on the waking up energized track.

Science has informed us that incorporating a daily plan and exercise actually gives us more energy. Moderate levels of exercise improve the quality of our sleep.  The secret is to start low and grow your routine. I call this mini habits.  If you want to start exercising do one short walk or one push up.

Trust me. A plan will help propel you to success.    

Nurturing ourselves with balanced protein and carbohydrate rich meals is important as well. Giving your body nutrition every two to three hours throughout the day provides you with a stable supply of nutrients to improve your energy level. Keep that metabolism going and you will avoid storage of fat.

Success Strategy #3: Make a Daily Blueprint.

Planning for the day ahead will improve the chance of peak performance.   Set goals of success and make a priority list of urgent tasks to do first.

Obstacle #4: Do You Dread Setting Goals.

A clear vision is essential to your success and life balance. A vision comes from the goals you have. You need to know where you want to go in order to plan for success.  Like a magnet a vision pulls you forward to your goals and objectives.

Many people say they have goals but few people actually write them down.

If that's you, then don't worry. To really set effective personal development goals and ensure you'll reach them, you're going to have to learn the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting technique.

This technique will help focus your efforts on exactly what you want to achieve.

Use SMART Goals to Succeed

Use SMART Goals to Succeed

S.M.A.R.T. stands for:

Specific--you must be specific about what you want. This relates to your vision. "I am in the process of..." to start your goal statement.

Measurable--how do you measure success You can't. So scale your goal to a specific number.  For example, I will exercise 3 times per week for one hour. By next year will be earning X dollars per month.

Action-oriented--you will create an action list of things you must do to achieve success.

Realistic—my goals are realistic, yet stretches me, given my expectations and timeframe.

Time-conscience—a time line forces us to give our goals priority. You place positive pressure on yourself to achieve it.

Success Strategy #4: Convert Your Success Goals. Using the S.M.A.R.T. method will make sure that you have set effective and meaningful goals.

It will clarify your road to success and force you to achieve it. Each and every day you will awaken knowing exactly what you need to do to propel yourself forward.

Obstacle #5: I am Not a Risk Taker.

The physical changes that take place outside of you are just a metaphor for the thinking transformations that takes place within you.

It is important that you change the way you feel about yourself and your belief of your abilities to succeed.

There is no magic pill, potion or method.  Those approaches never work.

You must begin from the inside.  Changing your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about the world.

You need to challenge yourself to find a solution that involves life in balance. Most importantly, we need to bolster our inner self -- our minds.

Your SMART program should help you set commanding goals, transform any self-defeating thoughts into new, transformational and powerful beliefs.  Your habit patterns thus change so that you construct results that move you closer to your goals.

Patience and persistence are the key. Most people start and give up in days or weeks. They have initial ‘motivation’ but not the discipline to persist even when that feels difficult or even painful. Remember, you can't modify long term poor habits in a matter of days. Habits require repetition and practice. Start with mini habits and build from there. Don’t be the person that joins a gym on New Year’s and sets unrealistic goals and quits.

Success Strategy #5: Follow an Internal Methodology.

To effectively transform your mind and body it is best to first work on increasing your confidence.  You will be more likely be able to create exceptional results that will last a lifetime.

Obstacle #6: Can I Stay Committed?

There's a big difference between intentions and action. The difference is commitment.

Commitment to our goals leads us to achievement, even during the hard times. There is a clear relationship between motivation and commitment.  If you're really committed to making a change now, you need to create a sense of immediate importance.

Attaching reasons that are so compelling and so intense you must follow through are the key. Right now, ask yourself the following questions? 

·      What will this cost me if I don't change now?

·      What has the cost to me been so far?

·      What has been the impact on my health, fitness, self-confidence, and energy levels?

·      If I put off change, how will I feel about myself?

·      What is the impact on my life?

·      What will I gain as a result acting now?"

Your answers to these questions will help you gain insight into what you're committed to and why!

Success Strategy #6: Identify Your Reasons.

Clearly state your reasons for wanting to change. Make them so compelling you become truly committed to achieving your life goals.

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